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Brown rice in a sentence

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Sentence count:78Posted:2018-02-23Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: downrightin his own rightenrichenrichmentinvoice pricebrownbrowbrown offMeaning: n. unpolished rice retaining the yellowish-brown outer layer. 
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31. Organic whole grain brown rice flour, organic apple puree, mixed tocopherols (vitamin E), electrolytic iron.
32. In order to utilize its nutritional constitutes effectively and improve its edibility , various brown rice food have been developed and are developing to satisfy the demand of consumers.
33. The effect of microwave power, loadage and microwave power per gram on the microwave drying characteristic of germinated brown rice was studied.
34. Ingredients: Water, organic corn, organic zucchini, organic green beans, organic brown rice, organic carrots, organic garbanzo beans, organic canola oil.
35. Product Description : Dry food formula made with Lamb, Millet, Amaranth, Barley and Brown Rice.
36. Results showed that the characters with high heritability are amylose content, seed shape, seed longness, chalkiness rate, brown rice rate and milled rice rate.
37. Eat whole wheat bread instead of white, whole wheat pasta instead of regular, brown rice instead of white, etc.
38. Such as: brown rice, oysters, sheep, cattle, pigs, red rice, chicken, Italian flour, milk and eggs.
39. Dry food formula made with Beef, Barley , Brown Rice & Sweet Potatoes.
40. This almost sounds too healthy to be fun, but even our burrito junkies loved this dish of pinto beans, soy cheddar cheese, tomatoes, and organic brown rice, wrapped in a warm wheat tortilla.
41. Also analysis indicant that microelement of Se get together in milled rice, so people will be supplied microelement of Se only eating mille rice, changing the feel disadvantage in edible brown rice.
42. Deionized water, glycerin, brown rice syrup, barley malt, natural cherry flavor, citric acid, apple pectin[], sodium benzoate.
43. Always stick to brown products: whole wheat bread, sweet potatoes and brown rice, etc.
44. Ingredients: Premium Grade Brown Rice, Dangshen, Licorice and natural herbs.
45. Design at the same time also should draw up the brown rice beer flowchart , the saccharification equipment monomer chart, thesaccharification workshop floor-plan, the entire factory floor-plan.
46. Avain adult cocks were selected to study the nutrient availability and the metabolizable energy value of 8 species of early paddy brown rice and maize with true metabolizable energy(TME) method.
47. The effect of rice varieties(combination) and passivator on Cd content in brown rice was studied using pot experiment.
48. A sample post-workout meal would be chicken with brown rice, yogurt with almonds, or a protein shake with a banana.
49. Learn how to cook brown rice for pepper steak and pork over brown rice with expert cooking tips in this free and easy dinner recipe video clip.
50. Whole grains including rolled oats, barley,(Sentence dictionary) and brown rice along with carbs found in fruits and vegetables are essential.
51. Stir - fried pork, pear and spinach ( pork and spinach are high in B 6 ) with steamed brown rice.
52. Japanese macrobiotics suggest taking brown rice as half of the whole intake, with vegetables, beans and seaweeds and a small amount of fish.
53. As food : Highlanders Brown Rice Tea can be mixed with any foodplain rice, porridge or soup.
54. Anyway, I don't believe all that stuff and nonsense about white bread versus brown, brown rice versus white, and what have you.
55. 25 percent should be divided among raw nuts and seeds, beans and legumes, and whole grains, especially brown rice, whole wheat bread, quinoa, amaranth, millet, sorghum, and buckwheat.
56. Chinese restaurant girl: Brown sauce with brown rice. Cold noodles. I know, every night the same.
57. Then, after moving to New York, she immediately upgraded from veganism to macrobiotics - the brown rice and seaweed diet that reputedly keeps Gwyneth Paltrow and Madonna slim and serene.
58. Other Ingredients:Deionized water, glycerin, brown rice syrup, barley malt, natural cherry flavor, citric acid, apple pectin, sodium benzoate.
59. Under the rice huller head winnower is designed for separating husks, unripe paddy and dust from the mixture of unhulled paddy and brown rice.
60. Vegetarians should be sure to eat a variety of whole grains such as whole wheat bread, pasta and tortillas, brown rice, bulgur, and quinoa.
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